How to come?Montpellier Business School 2300 Avenue des Moulins, 34080 Montpellier
Montpellier Business School is situated in the vast campus of 7,5 hectares, in the north-est of Montpellier, five kilometers from the city-center.It can easily be reached from the train station Saint Roch in 15 minutes: line 3 of Tram stopping at Hôtel du département or Pilory (less than 2.5 euros return).By bus, line 7 every 15 minutes.
Hôtels close to the station and Tramway Hôtel Océania http://www.oceaniahotels.com/h/hotel-oceania-le-metropole-montpellier/presentation Hôtel Royal http://www.royalhotelmontpellier.com/fr/index.php
Hôtels close to the Faculty and Tramway Hôtel de Troenes http://www.hotel-les-troenes.fr/ Hôtel du Parc http://www.hotelduparc-montpellier.com/?lang=fr Hôtel Acapulco http://www.acapulcohotel.fr/